TAG Committee Roles
The Appliqué Guild of Australia Inc (TAGA) is an Incorporated Association which operates under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). The Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012 set out a range of requirements for the establishment, operation, and cancellation of an incorporated association. These requirements are set out as rules and The Appliqué Guild of Australia Inc. Rules can be downloaded here.
TAGA committee of management is made up of elected members to manage the business of the organisation.
Each position is undertaken in a voluntary capacity, and we thank all current and past committee members for their service and acknowledge the expertise and time that each committee member has contributed to TAGA and its members.
Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting and members are encouraged to nominate for the committee of management.
Here's a quick guide to the different roles and their responsibilities.
- Acts as Chairperson for any general meetings and committee meetings.
- Supports committee members as required.
- Represents the Guild at events and functions where possible.
- Signatory to the Guild Bank Accounts.
- Uploads relevant documents to the Guild’s online document management system (e.g. Dropbox).
Vice President
- In the Presidents absence, acts as Chairperson for any general meetings and committee meetings.
- Supports and assists the President and other office bearers as required.
- Assists with special projects as nominated by the President and/or the Committee.
- Uploads relevant documents to the Guild’s online document management system (e.g. Dropbox).
- Prepares Agenda of Annual General Meeting and Committee Meetings and distributes to committee members.
- Takes minutes at meetings and distributes to the committee members.
- Keep, file and respond to correspondence received.
- Prepare and send outgoing correspondence.
- Collects, collates and prepares documentation required for Annual General Meetings.
- Lodges documents of the association with the Registrar of Incorporated Associations i.e. Annual Statement.
- Signatory to the Guild Bank Accounts.
- Uploads relevant documents to the Guild’s online document management system (e.g. Dropbox).
- Receives all moneys paid to or received by the Guild and issues receipts in the name of the Guild.
- Ensures all moneys received are paid into the Guilds accounts within 5 working days of receipt.
- Makes payments authorised by the Committee for the Guilds funds.
- Ensures payments are signed by at least two committee members.
- Ensures that the financial records of the Guild are kept in accordance with legislative requirements.
- Coordinates the preparation of the financial statements of the Guild, arranges an external review and their certification by the Committee prior to their submission to the annual general meeting.
- Submits a monthly financial report at Committee meetings.
- Signatory to the Guild bank accounts.
- Uploads treasurer reports and relevant documents to the Guild’s online document management system (e.g. Dropbox).
Membership Secretary
- Correlates all members information into the Guild’s data base register.
- Liaises with Newsletter Editor & Webmaster to ensure that all members are on the Mailchimp database.
- Ensures automated welcome email goes out to members.
- Assists members to access the Guild's website if they are having difficulty.
- Ensures membership fees are in Guild's account or PayPal.
- Transfers money from PayPal to Guild's account.
- Orders member name badges as ordered.
Chapter Coordinator
- Assists in the organisation of New Chapters.
- Supports Chapter Leaders wherever required.
- Ensures Chapter Leaders have information relating to the Guild's Events.
- Promotes the Guild to possible new members.
Newsletter Editor
- Receives all submissions for articles of interest for the TAGA Newsletter.
- Liaises with the Membership Secretary to ensure that all current members are receiving Newsletter.
- Liaises with webmaster where necessary for technical support.
- Edits & publishes the monthly Newsletter.
Social Media Coordinator
- Manages the Instagram and Facebook accounts by posting content, uploading Events and Chapter Details.
- Manages the Facebook account and member access to it.
- Regular advertising and promotion of the Guild.
- Responds to comments and direct messages.
Event Organiser
- Organises the Annual General Meeting (including venue, guest speaker/s, retail).
- Organises the Applique-Ins in conjunction with the relevant Chapter Leader of the area (including any guest speaker/s, retail and venue).
- Organises and co-ordinates the annual Members’ Quilt Display (venue to be determined on an annual basis).
- Organises raffle tickets and prizes.
Website Editor
- Upload and edit website content including promotion of the Guild, Guild events and chapter details.