I started quilting about 18 years ago after seeing a quilt in a magazine. I tackled my first quilt on my own and made every mistake in the book!! I enjoyed machine piecing for a long time until I got the taste for needleturn appliqué.
Like most of us I started out making quilts using patterns produced by others and eventually decided to try my hand at making my own – for myself. I eventually taught this at Fragrant Cottage and since then I’ve found that there are so many quilts “in my head” that need to come out that I don’t have time for anything else but designing and making class samples.
I love needleturn appliqué, reverse appliqué, as well as making hexagons and clamshells. I prepare a complete block so that it is portable and can be completed anywhere, any time.
Choosing fabrics and colours is one of the most enjoyable aspects of my designing.