Despite the miserable weather we had a good turn up for our second meeting. As usual the mood was sunny, and the conversation sparkling. Thanks to Bev and Dorothy we had a spectacular show and tell !
And if like me we didn't have any show and tell we were quite happy to listen.
Thank you all for coming, I am looking forward to the 20th of July ( next meeting).
And here the recipe you ask for.
Far Breton
preheat oven 220 degree
In a bowl put 250 gr of flour and a pinch of salt. Mix in 4 eggs, be careful of lumps. Mix well for 5 min, add 250 gr of sugar and 1 litre of full cream milk. Add 1 teaspoon of rhum or vanilla. Add 250 gr of prunes. Pour into a greased gratin dish. Place into hot oven until the top is set ( about 10 min) then bring down oven temperature to 180 degree and keep cooking until it is set.
Let it cool down and cut into squares. Eat it cold or at room temperature.
Bon appétit and cheers
Soooooooo sorry I had to miss this meeting because I had to work. Would have loved to have seen Bev and Dorothy’s quilts in real life. Hope I can make it to the July meeting.
We missed you too, make sure to bring a show and tell for the next one, except for Bev and Dorothy we had all forgotten